Alert Avatar AvatarGroup Button ButtonGroup Checkbox CheckboxGroup FilePicker Form FormRow Hamburger Input Modal Option Radio RadioGroup Rating Select Spinner Textarea Toast Tooltip Toggle


Radio components are used to select one of multiple options. Because they have no useful purpose on their own, they are only intended to be used within a RadioGroup wrapper component.


As mentioned above, a single radio button isn’t very useful – but here’s one anyway. The default color is --ui-focus.

  import { Radio } from '$lib/ui';

<Radio label="Your only option" />


Not normally used because the RadioGroup value prop will set which Radio is checked (and overrides this property).

<Radio label="Your choice is made" checked />


A label prop let’s you define a string to be used as the radio label.

<Radio label="Choose wisely" />

Leading Label

Labels normally appear to the right of the radio. Use the leadingLabel prop instead to place it on the left.

<Radio leadingLabel="No going back" />


Default is true but can also be assigned a Boolean value like disabled={user.isSignedIn}.

<Radio label="Not an option" disabled />


This is the value that will be assigned to the RadioGroup’s value value when checked.

<Radio label="Spam me" value="spamMe" />

Label Named Slot

Since the label prop can only be a String, you can use the label slot instead to pass in a more complex label.

  <span slot="label">
    <PizzaIcon /> Pizza

Leading Label Named Slot

Use the leadingLabel slot to pass in a more complex leading label that precedes the radio.

  <span slot="leadingLabel">
    <PizzaIcon /> Pizza

Radio Component Props

Name Type Default Description
labelString Text label appears trailing the radio
leadingLabelString Text label appears leading the radio
checkedBooleanfalseNormally used with bind:checked directive. Not needed within a RadioGroup
classString CSS classes declared in global scope can be applied to the outermost element
...  Additional props will be passed through to the HTML element enabling support for things like on:click, etc

Radio CSS Custom Properties

Name Type Default Description
--ui-radio-small-font-sizeNumeric--ui-small-font-size, 0.875remFont size for radio label
--ui-radio-gapNumeric0.5remFont size for radio label
--ui-radio-border-widthNumeric--ui-border-width, 1pxBorder width
--ui-radio-border-colorColor--ui-border-color, --ui-midtone, #94a3b8Border color
--ui-radio-backgroundColor--ui-focus, #3b82f6Background color of checked radio

Radio Named Slots

Name Description
labelContent to be used for label after radio (supercedes label property)
labelLeadingContent to be used for label preceding radio (supercedes leadingLabel property)