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Alerts can be used to provide user feedback for things like successful operations and errors. By default, alerts are displayed at full-width. Use bind:active two-way binding so that the parent template can trigger an alert and the alert’s close button can also close it. When using a scheme, an appropriate icon will be included when appropriate.


The brand scheme will be used by default if no scheme or color is provided.

  import { Alert } from '$lib/ui';

  A default alert using neutral colors.
A default alert using neutral colors.

Color Schemes

Color schemes defined in style.css can be used to set the color and icon used for the alert.

<Alert scheme="info">
  This is just a simple info alert.
This is just a simple info alert.

<Alert scheme="warning">
  Warning! This alert is slightly scary.
Warning! This alert is slightly scary.

<Alert scheme="success">
  You have been alerted successfully.
You have been alerted successfully.

<Alert scheme="danger">
  Something bad happened.
Something bad happened.

No Icon

Icons can be disabled by setting the icon prop to “false” or any falsey value.

<Alert scheme="info" icon="false">
  Keepin' it simple.
Keepin' it simple.

Title Named Slot

A title can be added by using the title named slot.

<Alert scheme="warning">
  <span slot="title">Watch out!</span>
  This seems like a bad idea.
Watch out!
This seems like a bad idea.

Icon Named Slot

An icon can be added by using the icon named slot.

<Alert scheme="success">
  <IceCream slot="icon" size={26} />
  That ice cream was delicious.
That ice cream was delicious.

Alert Component Props

Name Type Default Description
activeBooleantrueUse with bind:active two-way binding so that the parent template can trigger an alert and the Alert's close button can also close it.
iconString | BooleantrueSets whether an icon is displayed for scheme which includes a default icon.
schemeString: 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'danger' Color/Icon scheme of alert to be displayed
classString CSS classes declared in global scope can be applied to the outermost element
...  Additional props will be passed through to the HTML element enabling support for things like on:click, etc

Alert CSS Custom Properties

Name Type Default Description
--ui-alert-colorColor--ui-dark or #1e293bColor used for text and icons
--ui-alert-backgroundColor--ui-light or #e2e8f0Color used for Alert background
--ui-alert-paddingPadding shorthand12pxAlert component padding shorthand value
--ui-alert-gapNumeric8pxGap between icon and text
--ui-alert-border-widthNumeric0Alert component border width value
--ui-alert-border-colorColornoneAlert component border width value
--ui-alert-border-radiusNumeric--ui-border-radius or 3pxAlert component border radius

Alert Named Slots

Name Description
titleContent to be used as a title
iconAn icon component to replace the default icon