Alert Avatar AvatarGroup Button ButtonGroup Checkbox CheckboxGroup FilePicker Form FormRow Hamburger Input Modal Option Radio RadioGroup Rating Select Spinner Textarea Toast Tooltip Toggle


Use a CheckboxGroup to group multiple Checkbox components for a predictable layout and the ability to two-way bind a value array value coupled to which radio button is value.


Use bind:value to two-way bind a reactive array of value items.

  import { CheckboxGroup, Checkbox } from '$lib/ui';
  let toppings = $state(['pepperoni']);

<CheckboxGroup bind:value={toppings}>
  <Checkbox label="Pepperoni" value="pepperoni" />
  <Checkbox label="Olives" value="olives" />
  <Checkbox label="Tomatoes" value="tomatoes" />

<p>Toppings: {toppings}</p>

Toppings: pepperoni


Use the label prop to set a label for the CheckboxGroup. This will be rendered as a <label> element and will be styled like the label elements on other form components.

<CheckboxGroup label="Beer Options">
  <Checkbox label="Pilsner" />
  <Checkbox label="India Pale Ale" />
  <Checkbox label="Stout" />
  Beer Options


If a name prop is set, it will be applied to all child Checkbox components for proper form submission.

<CheckboxGroup name="beer">
  <Checkbox label="Pilsner" value="pilsner" />
  <Checkbox label="India Pale Ale" value="ipa" />
  <Checkbox label="Stout" value="stout" />


Display error message below the checkboxes. Also adds error styles.

<CheckboxGroup label="Bands" error="You must select at least two">
  <Checkbox label="Bauhaus" />
  <Checkbox label="The Cure" />
  <Checkbox label="The Smiths" />
  Bands You must select at least two


A note prop let’s you define a note displayed below the field.

<CheckboxGroup label="Favorite Band" note="Choose as many as you like">
  <Checkbox label="Bauhaus" />
  <Checkbox label="The Cure" />
  <Checkbox label="The Smiths" />
  Favorite Band Choose as many as you like

Legend Named Slot

Instead of using the label prop which can only be a String, a label named slot can be used for a label with more complex content.

  <label slot="label"><CocktailIcon /> Cocktails</label>
  <Checkbox label="Martini" />
  <Checkbox label="Gimlet" />

CheckboxGroup Component Props

Name Type Default Description
bind:valueArray Two-way binded array of value items
labelString Text label appears before CheckboxGroup
nameString The name property to be inherited by all child Checkbox components
errorString The error note displayed
noteString The help note displayed
classString CSS classes declared in global scope can be applied to the outermost element
...  Additional props will be passed through to the HTML element enabling support for things like on:click, etc
To style a CheckboxGroup, use Checkbox CSS Style Props like --ui-checkbox-border-color. These can be passed to the CheckboxGroup and will be inherited by child Checkboxes.

CheckboxGroup Named Slots

Name Description
labelContent to be used for label before CheckboxGroup (supercedes label property)